Representation For Jacksonville Homeowners Associations
Our Jacksonville office represents the legal interests of several Homeowner’s Associations and Condo Associations throughout the North Florida area in the interpretation and enforcement of their Covenants and Restrictions. We provide demand letters, liens, contract negotiations, injunctions and file lawsuits on behalf of the Association.
A trusted legal resource for Jacksonville Homeowner’s Associations and Condominium Management
Mr. Westling works closely with the Association, its management company and its Board Members to help resolve the issues in the most cost-effective manner possible. For Associations in Northeast Florida, Mr. Westling can also make himself available to attend Association meetings to educate and inform both the Board and homeowner’s of the legal options available to them.
We help enforce governance and protect your housing community
Dale G. Westling, Sr., is committed to achieving the best outcome in the least amount of time.
For additional information or an appointment, please call our Jacksonville homeowners association attorney at (904) 356-2341 or use the contact form on the left to contact us online.